a way of life

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December 2018

2018 Holiday Letter

2019-01-03T19:37:26-07:00Categories: Kwanjangnim's Korner|Tags: , |

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2018 FROM KWANJANGNIM My Dearest Omega Family!  I am absolutely blown away that 2018 is coming to an end and that I find myself sitting at my computer writing this very special letter once again.  Each year as I take the opportunity to sit and reflect and write down my thoughts and feeling towards you, an interesting thing happens.  After 20-30 minutes of reflection and meditation on the events of the year, the words I need to say just come to my mind; this is year is no exception.  In my life I have come to rely on [...]

December 2017

2017 Annual Holiday Letter

2018-01-02T12:33:26-07:00Categories: Kwanjangnim's Korner|Tags: , , |

My Dear Omega Family, I sincerely can’t believe it is that time of year again when I get to sit down and reflect on what happened throughout the year and express my love and gratitude for you.  Each year, when I write this letter to you, I have a tradition… That tradition includes pondering for a while and trying to picture each of you individually and visualize what growth you experienced this past year.  I always find myself amazed at the caliber of people we have here at Omega and I am so blessed to be a part of this [...]

March 2017

Introducing Kwanjangnim’s Korner

2017-03-17T11:43:46-06:00Categories: Kwanjangnim's Korner|Tags: , , |

Hello to all!  I am excited to begin this blog that I am calling “Kwanjangnim’s Korner.”  This has been something I have wanted to do for quite some time now, and now is the time to do it.  Over the past 40 years of my life I have had the amazing opportunity to learn from some of the best human beings to ever live!  I know everyone would say such a thing about the people who have molded them and been the angels they needed in the right times of their lives.  However, this blog will be about the many [...]