Dear Parents and Students:

A few announcements:
1.  Next week is Omega Sparring Week, so please bring your sparring gear to all your classes next week — Sept 28-Aug 1.
2.  There will be NO classes on Monday, Sept 4th, due to the Labor Day holiday.
3.  For those of you who attend the Saturday Open Class, we are thinking about moving the class to start at 8:15 AM.  Before we do, I would like to get some feedback — is this a better time for more people to be able to attend?  Please email me back asap and let me know if this time is a better fit for you schedules.
4.  FALL SCHEDULE: Other than the Saturday Open class (possibly) the Fall Class Schedule will remain the same as it is now.
5.  If you are interested in having private lessons in the Fall with one of our qualified private lessons instructors, please contact Kwanjangnim Richard to set up days and times.
6.  We have set the date for the 2017 Shine On for Shihan Tournament.  It will be held on Saturday, October 28th at Mt. View High School in Orem.  Please put this date on your calendars and plan to come and compete.
7.  Last, good luck to all the High Belt Testers that are testing this Friday evening!  The test will begin at 5:30 PM.  Make sure you are at the studio no later than 5:00 PM.  Please wear your full white uniform, bring your sparring gear, weapons, and your teaching notebooks with up to date notes (up to your rank you are testing for).  If you are testing, please bring your notebooks to class tonight so we can check them off or give some feedback to improve them.
Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact us.
PS.  If you are a 2018 black belt candidate, ALL High Belt and Low Belt tests are required for you to attend and assist — makes for great testing prep.